Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Indiana is about to vote on an ordinance requiring pit bulls to be sterilized and their owners to carry one million dollars in insurance.

Can we say band-aid? Can we say "blame the victim"? Any dog will turn violent when abused, neglected and trained to fight. Pit bulls are one of the most abused breed of dogs. So we sterilize them until the numbers are so reduced that they cease to exist? And we think this going to keep assholes from taking another breed of dog, abusing it and training it to attack? Pretty soon chihuahuas will will be a violent breed and we'll need to exterminate them. Beagles. Black labs. You know, maybe we should just exterminate ALL domesticated animals. Any of them can turn bad if treated badly enough.

Oh, you know what? There are some people that hurt others. Maybe we could find a way to track the genetic link and sterilize the women and men before they become parents. Let's completely ignore the fact that we should probably EDUCATE people on how to treat animals and children. Let's continue to create sects of society that believe animals killing each other is sport. Of course, humans killing animals is still sport, so that might get a bit tricky.


Just urg.


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