Sunday, August 06, 2006

The one certainty

From the moment we are born, there is only one thing that is absolutely certain, one thing that none of us can avoid. At some point, we all must die. Some die heroic deaths, saving others. Some die in their beds after a long life, quietly. Some die far too young in some tragedy. Some die long after they want to. But we all do it. That is the one thing we share with both the rich and poor, the famous and the unknown. We all die.

Logically, I have known this for a very long time. In the back of my mind I have known this. But there are some moments when it is far more real, far too close to the front of my mind.

But we all do it. We all pass on to another dimension, whatever it may be. One day we will be nothing but memories in the hearts of those that loved us and we loved.


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