Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Holy crap, it has been awhile.

I have all of my kids again. The two youngest spent the night at the vet because they were finally healthy enough to be SPAYED! I am so happy. It took so long to get them there.

I feel like I am a master knitter. I am tackling "experienced" patterns. I will hopefully be selling my stuff soon.

This broken foot is driving me crazy. Not so much the foot, but the damn cast.
A. Nnoying.

I have been doing a lot of awesome cleaning and organizing. I have had some wonderful breakthroughs and mentally I am in amazing shape. Healthy as a, well, mentally healthy horse .....

I LOVE living by myself.

I am back on the vegan path. This time, it is not difficult at all. In fact, the second I start to crave something, I get a very vivid image in my mind and that craving goes away. Instantly.

I drove my happy ass to the vet today through streets that had not been touched by snow plows. I dug my car out from under a foot of snow. I did a couple of 360's in a couple of intersections. I was so determined to get there and back that I didn't care. And it was totally worth it.

I am very fortunate...I have amazing friends all over the Midwest. Some I have known since I was five. Some I have known for less than a year. But I am so lucky to have the people in my life that I have. Now, once I get the blueprints on that teleportation device....

My breath smells of garlic. Like, garlic. Cause I just ate some. Yeah, I am stretching now...

Moria is twitching on the couch, asleep, and I have many rows to knit on my dad's hat. But it does feel good to be back in the blogsphere....


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