Monday, August 21, 2006

Jason's intro connection

I normally don't read the intro's other people have on their blogs, or I do once and don't read them again. This morning I was flipping through all the blogs I read and noticed Jason's. I realized I had never read his intro. Not three sentences into it, I started singing "The Final Cut" by Pink Floyd in my head. And now one verse is trapped, running around in my brain like a hampster on a wheel........

"And if I show you my dark side
Will you still hold me tonight?
If I open my heart to you
Show you my weak side
What would you do?"

This song is one that, no matter where I am, what I'm doing, who I'm with, it stops me in my tracks. For those who don't know it is about a suicide that gets interrupted by a phone ringing and consequently never happened again.

I found this song during my obsession with all things Floyd in late junior high/early high school. In fact, funny story ~~~~~flashback bubbles~~~~~~~flashback music~~~~~~~~

My junior year of high school English class, we had to choose a song we loved and interpret it using our poetry lessons. I chose two songs...."The Final Cut" and "The Night Chicago Died" (which, for those who don't know it, is a really light, late 60's early 70's song akin to something the Monkees would do). We got to play the songs and explain why we chose them, and interpret them in our own way.

I talked about "The Final Cut" as being about a soul who was in pain, lost and looking for salvation. He was determined to kill himself because of all the thoughts he had about his significant other, the darkness he was surrounded with and so on. Then, did "The Night Chicago Died", where I referenced all the organized crime knowledge I had because of my dad and my own love for all things Chicago gangster.

A few class periods later, I received a slip from the principle's office. I went, not knowing what it was about. The school counselor met me there and asked to talk about the song I chose. She turned me in because she thought it was a cry for help!

Being in my very anti-authoritarian phase, I was so angry, bitching about how kids our age weren't allowed to express anything regarding deep emotions and pain, which we all felt at one time or the other, without someone wanting to throw our asses into counseling. Everyone was so conserned with the song I chose (but thought NOTHING of the other song....what if I wanted to get into a life of organized crime?! They would have let me slip RIGHT through their fingers, eh?). I learned on that day the power of music and the words we chose.

That is all.


Blogger LC Greenwood said...

Hey, at least they made an effort...albeit needlessly.
There are a ton of kids whose problems go unnoticed and uncared for.
Columbine comes to mind.

Also, when I was in 6th grade I brought in The Beatles's
"She's Leaving Home" for a music show and tell thing.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Auryn23 said...

Did they call you in?

4:55 PM  

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