Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Totally smarter than the Museum of Science and Industry

So Laura and I are TOTALLY way smarter than that silly museum!

We went to the CSI exhibit today to solve some crime. And we did. In fact, we found clues and came up with a story line that would have been MUCH more useful.

They had some stupid reason and a very simple death. And there was an awesome storyline that could have been used but was superfluous to the case. And we both agree that we had a much better murder scene in our minds, with twists and such. It would have been much more entertaining.

And we both decided that we are just smart people. Then we ate.

On another note, I found out today that, apparently, I can chose whether or not I want to be a virgin anymore. According to "seventeen" magazine (yes, I bought it and we were laughing our asses off in the car reading it) that is. Also, to get a summer love to possibly be more, follow these lengthy but COMPLETELY appropriate rules:

"Have a flirt-a-thon" (swear to god)
Start by: Getting away from your usual crowd. When you're on a cruise, at camp, or at a beach club, there will be tons of cute guys who also want to keep things casual for the summer. They won't know all your friends or your life story, so you can be fun and flirty without having to get too deep.
Follow up by: Starting a conversation with one guy (for now!) (actual parenthesis in the article) Talk about anything--you might dismiss a guy with a lame approach, but lucky for us, guys are more forgiving. Just avoid swapping super-personal stories---you're better off saving that for a serious relationship.
Ask him to: An adrenaline-pumping activity, like a water park or scary movie. The physical excitement you feel will transfer to each other, making him totally hot for you (and vice versa)
DON'T: Kiss every guy you date. Especially if they know each other--they willcompare notes. Playing the field isn't about hooking up over and over. It's about getting to know lots of guys until you find the right match for you.

(oh it keeps getting better....)

Finally get the Guy:
Start by: Sending more-than-friends signals. You've been crushing on him all summer; now's the time to make your move. Stand closer to him than you have to. mile, laugh and be easy to talk to, but only with him so he knows he's special.
Follow up by: Separating him from the crowd. When you're hanging out in a group, quietly ask him a personal question about the topic at hand while everyone else keeps talking over you--instant private convo! (yes. it is really in this magazine that is shaping our youth) When it makes sense, say, "Hey, give me your number and I'll give you a ride to [wherever]." Give him yours too, "just in case you need it."
Ask him to: A concert or game. Look spontaneous: Wait till three days before to invite him, and say you're already going. If he can't make it, he's more likely to ask you out since you made the first move
DON'T: Make him the center of your universe. If you obsess over him and hang on his every word, you'll lose that air of mystery. Make sure you're sometimes the one who has to go or get off the phone first. Leave him wanting more!

And finally.......
Make it last through the fall:
Start by: Sharing more. Been seeing a guy all summer? Revealing private details will make you feel closer. Ask him how he gets along with his family. If he's shy, spill first to help him open up.
Follow up by: Telling him how you feel. But not in a scary "can we talk?" way.. A week before school say, "I've had such a great time with you this summer. I hope we can keep seeing each other when school starts." Then resist the urge to wait for a response; immediately move on to another topic so he doesn't feel pressured. (I am getting the feeling that men are some strange sort of creature that must be protected and coddled and treated with a sensitivity we know nothing of unless we purchase this magazine....)(oh, and you must play games.) (Always)
Ask him to: A block party or picnic on the first weekend after classes begin, to bridge the summer-to-school gap. Being outdoors makes people feel more romantic, and he'll see that things between you don't have to end just because the seasons are changing.
DON'T: Overwhelm him. Talking about going to homecoming together before football season even starts will make it seem like dating you in the "real world" (quotation marks there in the article, and I just can't stand this...) (i.e., during school) is too much work. Relax, and enjoy being with him right now.

I sure hope this has cleared up any questions anyone may have about what teenage girls are taught regarding relationships and how to deal with teenage boys. Because nothing says fun, lighthearted relationships in a time when you're just starting to know who you are more than playing games and not being able to speak to another person of the opposite sex without a cheat sheet from a magazine written by a 30-something woman who should fucking know better!

And to think, I had a subscription to that magazine.....and maybe all my questions are answered.


Blogger LC Greenwood said...

the scary part is that most of that crap is probably written by men.

I am little deader inside after reading all that. Thank you!

11:37 AM  

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