Monday, February 09, 2009


Missing Chicago hits me from out of nowhere. It's like any other smacks you upside the head and paralyzes you, making you stop whatever you are doing because you can't breathe due to the heaviness on your chest. It settles right behind the eyes. It fills the stomach. It pulls the shoulders down. It. Sucks.


Blogger LC Greenwood said...

Aw Hunny.
I'm gonna try and see if I can plan a weekend soon to come down and visit you.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Christi said...

If it makes you feel any better, I just read today that Chicago is one of the most miserable cities to live in. Ironic huh? Whenever I felt down about not being there anymore I thought:

parking, laundry, parking tickets, boot, dirty snow, crazy ass rent...

11:19 PM  

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