Saturday, June 04, 2005

Packing and Raining

Finally, there is a deliciously sweet cold breeze blowing on the back of my neck as I write this. Today has been chocked full of packing, cleaning, chiropractor and sneezing. It's storming something horrible right now and I LOVE it. I love thunderstorms. The louder the better. Give me pitch black skies, give me thunder so loud it makes the foundations crumble and things fall off shelves. Give me lightning that is so bright it temporarily burns my corneas and I have those little white dots when I close my eyes. I love it all. So much awesome energy comes out of a storm, and this one is a doozy. Yes, I said 'doozy'.

Packing is hell. Hell I tell you!!! Even though I went through a HUGE cleaning spree in January, I am still finding things I can give away. That helps. Less to pay movers to lug down three flights and back up three flights. Ah, the Curse of the Third Floor Chicago Living. Mwwuuhahahaha!

I had an amazing discovery over the last two days. I realized the amazing capacity for generosity in humans. There is someone in particular who's selflessness and giving nature astounds me. That person will be guaranteed an EASY, WONDERFUL life next time around, let me tell you. Thank you for offering of yourself so completely. Our jaws dropped, literally, and were hanging there......thank you so much for offering, sweetie.....

Alas, the storm is over and so is my inspiration. I had so much more to say, to think, to do, but I guess I'll just have to make due with some quality time with the KittenFatCat and the smell of cold rain on hot asphalt.


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