Saturday, September 24, 2005

so little time

I have so much to do and such little time to do it in. My homework for this semester is through the roof along with the work I have to do for the institute.

It's really cool, though. We are gathering speakers to address HIV/AIDS in the prison communities, African American and Latino communities and Rwanda. We're actually trying to get Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson to come a speak. That would be awesome, but possibly too far fetched. But we're keeping the dream alive.

The work for the institute is a really good crash course on the rest of my life. There will be a lot of research, a lot of time spent trying to get info to people to help make a difference. There is purpose to it. I finally have purpose in my life. Theatre was always my passion, and doing it made me feel wonderful. But, unless it's a piece that has meaning, has a message, there isn't much about it that changes the course of people's lives. The institute does that. It fills that void. I know that what I'm doing WILL change someone's life, even if it's just their view on something that, because of their own social reconstruction, maybe wasn't the correct view.

I want so badly to remain positive with everything negative that's been happening. And there's been so much negativity.

I think it's gaining it's hold. shit.


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