Thursday, August 25, 2005

It's been awhile.....

So I guess the last time I saw my friend Heather's chihuahua was about three years ago and she was overweight......the dog's name is actually 'Tequila' and he belongs to the family living downstairs from Pat. He scarfed up the food because, well, I guess that's what little dogs do. And the growling, well, I can't really explain that one.

There was that moment of kinda being sad because I wanted to keep him. Of course, KittenFatCat would have eaten him, but he is so damn cute.

I've been over there twice daily this week, and have seen him twice since then.

I'm so glad he has a home and isn't starving. I guess I'm just not used to seeing animals who have bones that are apparent.....god knows none of MY heifer animals have ever had a bone showing!

All's well that, kerplah. I'm glad he has a home. And I'm also glad I have the type of personality that makes me worry non stop about random animals and whether or not they are loved like mine is. I'm not claiming to be the perfect mother, but my cat is one of the most spoiled creatures to ever walk the damn planet.....


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