Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's about to rain

I love the smell and feel right before a thunderstorm. I know I write about it pretty much everytime it rains, but it's a feeling that just doesn't get old. The sky is a dark grey with some dark blue mixed in here and there.

I can't wait for the weather to get and stay cool. Enough of this taking out the air conditioner and sleeping with the windows open just to wake up in a sweat the next morning. Today was HOT. Okay, so not the hot like we've had over this summer, but by comparison, really freakin' hot. Yesterday was perfect. A nice cool breeze, warm enough for jeans and a t-shirt with a light hoodie. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is the perfect day. And, once it's cool enough for sweaters and jeans, well, I'll just be in some sort of freakin' heaven.

But today was warm. A little too warm. I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt. That shouldn't be happening. Steve and I have been waiting for the cooler weather and earlier sunsets so we can start the month of October out the way it should be......parked in front of the tv watching just-pubescent girls who just got done having sex get sliced up. And zombies eating brains. Love the eating brains part.

It's just so hard to get into Halloween and the Halloween time of year when it's 80 degrees in the shade.

Maybe the rain, which is coming closer, will help to cool things off. And water my plants. And hopefully not cause a flood in the guest bedroom and living room. Those rooms are very prone to flooding.


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