Thursday, December 15, 2005

Always the tail end

I just caught the last 20 minutes or so of Pulp Fiction. I had forgotten just how much I love that movie.

Great memories go with it.

Here we go.....

It was October of 1995. My senior friends and I got together at our friend Dawn's house to make our senior jeans.. Yeah, we made senior jeans. I have pictures.

Anyway, we were all settled in to her basement and decided to buy a movie on Pay Per View and watch it off and on while we were decorating our jeans. We decided to watch Pulp Fiction. None of us had seen it yet and thought it would be good background to our creative genius.

Well, the damn movie was on for almost 8 hours straight, and we never saw the whole thing all the way through. Of course, with a movie like Pulp Fiction, you really don't NEED to watch it in can piece it together enough to make sense of it.

I had so many parts of the movie memorized before ever sitting down and watching it all the way through. It made it's way on all of our senior jeans.

Eight hours of Pulp Fiction. That, in itself, should be a movie.

Granted, no one would want to watch it, except about seven ladies who graduated Eastern High School in the spring of 1996.

Damn, that was a really fun day.

Of all of them, I'm the only one who hasn't changed my last name yet. There are two of us without kids. I know where they all are now and pretty much what they're doing.

I wonder, if they ever are passing through HBO on a lazy Thursday night, they catch a glimpse of Pulp Fiction. I wonder if they remember Dawn's basement, all the paints and magic markers, the laughs until we thought we would pee ourselves.

My really good memories of high school are few and far between. But there are some really damn good memories.

Shit. I even remember the song we sang at graduation. I just now remembered it. "Time has a way of slipping away and leaving us all behind...." Pretty deep, eh?

But it's true.

I can't believe I have pictures of those damn jeans. In fact, I still HAVE those damn jeans.....

And they don't even pass my right thigh!

Ah, time has a way!!!!


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