Sunday, December 03, 2006

This weekend

So this weekend was quite possibly one of the best weekends I've had in a very long time.

Friday, working my last shift at the hotel. Then hanging out for hours with Laura, Rebecca and Stefani. Laughing, joking, singing (and down will come Jedi, Dark Side and all), knitting, planning to make canders but not getting around to it, and being out until almost 4 am.

Saturday, cleaning and getting some negative energy away from me, meeting up again at the camp for some real cander making (nutmeg), then meeting up with him for a movie (Blood Diamond...fucking RUN, don't walk), dinner, teaching him to knit (quick learner) and more laughing, Guitar Hero and singing until 3:30 am.

Today, buying some things I've needed and a few little things I've wanted, more knitting, wrapping presents, amazing pizza and Sex and the City.

Now, a hot bath, some homework reading and an early night. Much to do tomorrow. Tomorrow is a very big day, and I want to have my shit together and ready for the end of one journey and the beginning of many others.

It's all about the journey.

One of my favorite lines from "Blood Diamond" was said by Jennifer Connelly. When explaining why she was in Africa helping people in the middle of a horrible civil war, she said, " Three out of five ex-boyfriends say I live in a constant state of crisis. Or maybe I just fucking pay attention."

That movie had just about everything possible to make me completely happy: Social justice issues, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, an AMAZING performance by Dijmon Hounsou (who absolutely MUST get nominated for an Oscar or there is no justice in the world), good company, half of a pretzel which almost started a fist fight between the woman working the counter and the woman making the pretzels (we had no idea it was THAT big of an issue!) and substance. And nachos. Can't forget the nachos. With extra cheese.

Now, about that hot bath....


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