Sunday, October 15, 2006

Gotta love that hindsight.

It comes at such random moments. I can be sitting on the bus, not really thinking about anything, and all of a sudden it's there. Just some thought, some random thought, and it takes me over.

But it usually doesn't last long. The next thing on the huge list of things to do takes over.

But those thoughts are still there. They still creep in. And they will.

I have no plan to put a time limit on anything involving anything I'm going through right now. That would be counter-productive. There is just no point and why have goals that you can't possibly meet? So I let them go. Those thoughts of having things done and such by a certain time. Just let them slide away.

Things are moving forward. They are in motion and have been for awhile. I am just going to sit back and let them continue to move. Let them take me along for the ride.

I mean hell, what else can I do?


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