Monday, September 17, 2007

This is some crazy shit!

Today, Kitten crawled up.....and SAT ON MY LAP! This is the first time she has ever done that. She sat on my lap, then would move to the couch right beside me, then lay her head on my leg. Then back on my lap! This happened three different times. I think we're moving on to a different phase in our relationship!

I get to do a dream ballet in Manos! I am so excited!!!! It's during the song Torgo (Roz) sings about me...I become unfrozen and Matt Russell comes out at Torgo and we do a ballet. It's hysterical! I'm so excited.

I had my writing test today. I felt really good about it. Now I just have to start cracking down on GRE studying.

The weather is making me so happy. The perfect jeans and sweater weather. This is usually the time when I really miss being with someone, but not this time. I am really enjoying being by myself during this weather.

But I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good when I get flirted with. Like today on the hog. This guy on a bicycle was matching me for speed for a few blocks (a crazy 40 mph) then he would get behind. We kept catching each other at lights, and finally he started talking to me. We had a quick, cute conversation and it just made me feel kinda fun inside. Nothing big. I don't want anything big. Random flirting at intersections. Random flirting in stores. Low key, non commital. Hell, an intense relationship with someone living 30 states away...that's my ideal. But for now, random flirting at intersections feels good. And being by myself during this weather is perfect.

I am a happy little clam right now.


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