Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The luck of a "two-dicked billy goat"

....to quote Steve's dad.

So this Christmas, like the last few Christmases, have been filled with money woes. In fact, it's pretty much the winter time that seems to suck the life out of the checking account.

BUT---just like has happened in the last seven months or so, Lady Luck has been shining on us.

I sold back three of my books and Steve got a check from a murder mystery. That money was put to buying presents for our families.

His mom just sent us a check that will finish shopping for the families and our friends.

We are constantly in a state of need, it seems. But something always happens to help us get our faces above water, even if it's only slightly. There are guardian angel friends, parents and other wonderful things that have helped us along the way.

We are so blessed. Regardless of stress, regardless of being tired or broke, we are so blessed.

This year is the first time I've been into the holiday season. I've been in a wonderful mood the last two days, and I realize it's because I am buying things for those I love. I know it's not the actual physical present that matters but the time and thought put into it......but I will NEVER forget last Christmas. Going home with one present for mom and dad to share. Sitting there, surrounded by my many presents from them, feeling horrible. I had nothing to give. So I bought a giant picture frame, framed four of my best papers or tests from school, all arranged around my student ID and a note at the bottom that said, "Thank you for believing in me. I love you." I told them that once they opened the present, they would understand why I couldn't get them anything.

They never expected anything, and they still don't. I know they would much rather us save our money and spend it on bills, something fun for us, what have you. I know Steve's parents are the same.

But I swore last year that I would NEVER again go to my parents at Christmas with one present for them to share. Unless, of course, it's a new car, their mortgage paid off, a Hawaiian vacation, things like that.

I had never felt so worthless before. Again, I know they understood, but damnit....I'm 27 (26 at the time) and couldn't afford to get them anything more than a picture frame filled with papers.

Granted, the papers were all A's, but I digress.....

This year, while we still weren't able to spend multitudes of money on anyone, there will at least be a few gifts for each person.

And I have never felt happier. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to give to those you love. I just hope I am able to do it more and more as the years go by. And I will.

These are our humble beginnings. I've heard about them. I've lived them. And hopefully, these are a few of the last humble moments we'll have.

Life just keeps getting better by the day.


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