Saturday, April 08, 2006

The phone call.

I was getting ready to go to bed when the phone rang. It was a VERY drunk Steve, making "a faux pas" by calling me. He was getting made fun of by Roz and Nate in the car with him, and he said, "I'm marrying the most wonderful woman in the world and I'll call her if I want. Fuck you!" which, in spite of the slurring and volume, made me smile from ear to ear. Only my man, drunk off his ass on his bachelor party night, would call me and tell me that he loved me. They weren't able to get lanes at Lucky Strike, so they chose to move it to Spyners. I bet the bar will LOVE him! God, I wish I could see it! But I'll have to hear all the stories tomorrow. Steve started to tell me a little bit about his night, and then he said, "No, I can't tell you any more about my day because it's a faux pas that I'm talking to you. So you'll have to wait until tomorrow, after rehearsal, to hear any more about my day because it's a faux pas that I'm talking to you." I couldn't stop laughing. So funny.

I can't wait to hear the stories. And fetch him asprin!


Blogger Leslie Royale said...

yeah...that FUCKER!! he got made fun of PLENTY when that cat was let out of the bag!!! but cute, none the less...

2:44 AM  

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