Saturday, March 25, 2006


So this first-thing-in-the-morning-babbling is cool. I'm going to make PopTarts and type some amazing stuff.

*sorry. took a pause of about 2 minutes staring at the keys, not having anything amazing to write about--very comdedic moment, if anyone was here to see it*

My bridal shower is today. It's in a few hours. I met up with McGuire last night and we went over the ceremony (why I wrote the vows yesterday). All of these little things keep making it more and more real. The veil. The invitations. The dress. Inserting our names in the vows and having it on paper. All of those things make it real. The funny thing is, my bridal shower doesn't. It seems so weird to me that people would be gathering around in a room, bringing me presents, bringing food to share and playing fun games that I'm sure involve penises or something like that.

The bachelorette party....that's another one that doesn't seem like it fits. It's not my birthday. It's not the closing or opening of a show. I didn't just graduate. Why are all these wonderful women friends of mine taking me out to get me schnockerd and having me be the center of attention?

I still feel like a little kid playing dress up. I know a lot of my married friends feel the same way. Maybe it's jus denial of growing up. I mean, just a generation ago, my mom was married at 18 and had me at 21. If I were to have done that, I would have a seven year old right now.

Well, I'm going to finish my cherry pop tarts and cuddle my man, who just arose from the dead and is snuggling on my arm as we speak. More to come after the bridal shower. Who's it for again? so weird.....


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