Monday, May 01, 2006

The Let Down

So there is always a moment, right after stress is lifted, where I feel like I could sleep for days and days, and am fighting off a cold or some other sickness.

I've had a bit of both, and I was completely expecting it.

We have been married for 8 days. That is so crazy to me. Eight days. Another moment where it feels so much longer and so much shorter. But that has been my life for the last, oh, year and 8 days, so I'm getting a bit used to it.

A lot of things changed during the wedding weekend. We shared the day with Ericka and Guy, who spent their one year anniversary at the wedding. Our friends Andy and Leslie decided to try it again while at the ceremony/reception. My friend lost her virginity that morning. It was my friend Carri's birthday. It was the day before my friend Wendy's wedding anniversary. And I married my best friend. It was a magical day for a lot of people I know, and that makes it even more special for me.

There are moments when it just doesn't seem real. Really real. Of course, as soon as we got back from our mini-honeymoon, I dove right back into school and work, agreed to shoot a short film with my friend Alex and started cleaning and organizing. One of the wonderful changes we've both felt since the wedding is a new found pride in being with each other and our home. We want to make it a home and keep it clean and organized, as much as our crazy schedules will allow. I did the living room, our bathroom and will hopefully hit the office sometime in the next day or so. Steve's been working constantly, but he's been really good about keeping up what I've done, and I know if he were here he would be helping as well. But we have time.

It's just so weird to be Mrs. Geary. That is the weird thing. There is no part of me that feels like I gave up my identity by taking his last name, and I'm keeping my last name as a middle name. And once I've done all the paperwork to change it, I'm sure it will seem more real.

Right now, I'm just kinda floating on this cloud of newlywed. It's a wonderful feeling. We are back to where we were before all the stress, and actually better. It's deeper. It's more adult feeling. It's official and legal. It's wonderful.

This has to be the happiest moment of my life. Steve said something today that really got to me in a wonderful way. He said, "I am so proud to be your husband. I'm more proud of that than anything else I've done in my entire life. And I'm being completely serious." It's just so wonderful to know that all I give, I get back, and vice versa.

I just love him. And my life. And being a wife. And all of it. Yay me, damnit!!!


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