Friday, December 15, 2006

It could have been finals that I did today....

But I didn't.

Instead, I went and got a kick ASS haircut, bought a punching bag on sale at Bed, Bath and Beyond, cleaned the apartment, loved on Kitten and am now waiting for Stefani to get here with the wine and knitting.

I'm not worried about any of my finals except one, and that one I already know isn't going to be a stellar test, so there's not much I can do but be as prepared as I can. The only other one I'm a bit nervous about is in a class where I've gotten nothing but 100's on everything I turn in, so I'm not too worried. We just didn't have class on Thursday to wrap up the section and find out more about the final. That's really the only concern with that.

So, with new hair and a new punching bag in tow, I should be pretty prepared for the weekend and the wonderful craziness it will bring.

Tomorrow is so packed full of goodness.....LadyBusiness in the afternoon, followed by dinner with Rachel, followed by a late viewing of Bond with Ben. And Sunday is the first rehearsal for the fundraiser with New Millennium. I'm not doing shows during the school year, but since this is a one night event, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle it.

Today is a good day. There were moments thrown in there of sadness, but for the most part, today was good. Fighting a slight headache (coming from my neck, as always) but it's not bad. And I took some pain pills to make sure it stays where it is on the pain scale.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with today. I slept through the night last night for the first time in a while. The dreams were really weird, with them mostly being images of people and just vague feelings of sadness, anger, happiness and such. Nothing really specific that I can remember, just feelings.

Speaking of feelings, I'm listening to "Passion" by Peter Gabriel. I remember listening to this CD when Kim let me borrow it at the law firm. I couldn't stop listening to just gives me such an intense feeling and I really can't explain it. It gets me worked up. But in a really good way.

The anger is on a bit of a hiatus. Well, actually that's a lie. I'm finding ways to deal with it better, so it isn't something that's hidden. It came out some today, but I acknowledged it, dealt with it, and let it go. So maybe that's why it seems like it's on a's there, but I'm not as aware of it as I have been over the last few weeks. But in the last few weeks I've known it was there but didn't know where. Shit. Let me start over....

So today I noticed moments when my anger came up, and instead of fighting it back, I let it come up, dealt with it, and let it go. How about that for summing up all the crap I was trying to say in that last paragraph, eh?

And Stefani is here, so this will be wrapped up.


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