Sunday, March 04, 2007

Weekend Update

It's been a very long and crazy weekend, and I am just now able to sit down and write about it.

Thursday was awesome. My night class was cancelled, so I got to meet up with Jason earlier than we thought. Seeing "Pan's Labyrinth" again was just awesome. And even though I'd seen it, it was still unrelenting as ever. And the vegetarian duck was just as wonderful as I had remembered it.

Friday. Got my letter notifying me of my ability to graduate this semester. With honors, no less. So I will have two special cords to wear over my gown on May 11. I ordered my cap, gown and tassel. I got my brakes done on the car and bought a GRE study guide. Going through the sample problems, I don't think it's something I need to worry much about. Then Christi came into town. We had sushi and gave back rubs (and I have the HUGE bruise on my hip to prove it!) and talked until it was time for Dames. It was opening night, and it was so much damn fun! I don't remember seeing a Dames show with such a good energy to it. There wasn't anything or anyone negative weighing it down for me. And I have long since taken back The Spot (or Frankie's) as a place for me. Even when she still worked there. Thoughts that were attached to The Spot are no longer there, and it just makes for an awesome night out.

Saturday. Went to see Ehren, Bilal and Legat's show in the afternoon. Unbeknown to me, Camenae ladies were also in attendance for that show. So I got to catch up with Meagen, Alex, Sara and Erik, as well as see Bilal and a good show. Then home for dinner and a nap before Seeley's surprise birthday party that night.

Today. I was going to get up, do yoga, do all my laundry, study for my midterm tomorrow and watch "Rome" with Laura tonight. I only did two of those things. Two loads of laundry (not even all of it) and "Rome". Which, by the way, HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! Syvilia...just wow. I won't say any more. Instead of doing all the things I intended to do, I sat on the couch and watched stupid shows on E! throughout the day. And it was so relaxing and, I guess, just what I needed. Just like the 12 hours of sleep I got last night.

So now I am home, loving on Kitten and about to eat a banana. This weekend was just so damn much fun.

Chad said something really awesome to me on Friday. He came up to me after the show and told me just how much of a difference there was in me from the last night of Dames (when he had "TEAM TORY" written on his knuckles) and that night. And I felt it. I really did. There has been such a change. And sometimes it's overwhelming. Sometimes I still don't feel like I know what I'm doing, but somehow I always find my way to where I need to be. It's more than just getting divorced. It's more than starting over. I can't really describe it.

And you know what, I'm done trying to describe it. It's pretty obvious to anyone who is around me, and I am vastly aware of it every day.

It just finally feels wonderful to be me.


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