Wednesday, February 21, 2007

So today was just a damn good day.

At first, it started off shitty. I woke up at five but went to bed close to one. I couldn't get back to sleep until seven, and had to be up at nine. That wasn't cool. But I had a wonderful meeting with Heather regarding next year, and that was good.

Then Biology. It was what it was.

Found out in Biology that I have a paper due in my Thursday class. A big paper. Panic.

I came home and churned out a long-ass paper in a few hours. As is my wont. As I was finishing the paper, I got a text from Laura asking if I wanted to go out for a Mardi Gras drink. I told her it would depend on how the paper came along.

By nine, I was done with the paper and ready to get the hell away from the computer. We walked to The Spot, where we saw our friends who were working. Laura made friends with two guys, and ended up playing Golden Tee with one of them. The other one and I were talking for a long time about politics and social justice. It was awesome. Tonight was part of a pub crawl, and we declined the invitation to move to the next bar.

As we were leaving, Nate and his friend Courtney and Ryan walked with us to the next bar on the pub crawl list, since it was on our way. As we were about to continue walking, Brian came out and demanded that we sit with him for a beer. We did.

We laughed our asses off all night. I had good conversation with a cute guy about shit that's right up my alley. I got my paper done after a few hours of torture (I missed last week because of being sick, so I had no idea what the second question on the exam was about...) and just generally had a great time.

Now it's close to two and I'm about ready for bed. But today was a very good day.


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