Sunday, February 25, 2007

How Tory Was Bad Today

So instead of doing homework, cleaning or taking a nap, I decided to waste my entire day sitting in front of the television.

First it was "Rome".

Then it was the pre-Oscars Red Carpet shit.

And then the Oscars. I wasn't going to watch, but the allure of Leo was too strong.

So here is my humble take on the Oscars this year......

Ellen as the host. There was no better choice. If she and John Stewart could have tag-teamed that, it would have been Heaven. But as it was, it was pretty damn awesome.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore announcing that the Oscars had gone all green....orgasm.

What the hell is "The Lives of Others" and how the hell could it have beaten "Pan's Labyrinth"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (It was for foreign film, and the guy accepting it didn't even have an accent! I call rubbish!!!)

Ryan Seacrest proved his douche-ness tonight when interviewing Jennifer Hudson. The first thing out of his mouth was a comment on her weight. And that was the main focus for the first few minutes of her interview. Nothing was mentioned of weight to all the anorexic women out there, all duct taped and superglued into their Vera Wang dresses. What a douche.

It was very nice to see a woman (Jennifer Hudson) singing and being sexy when she has boobs, arms, a belly and hips. It was very nice to finally see someone real up there being sexy. And not the loophole of pregnant-fat-sexy either.

Melissa Etheridge.......holy shit. This was awesome. When her name was called for winning, she leaned over and kissed her wife. On national television. AND she said, "wife" during her speech. This moment was not only a very pure moment of happiness for winning an award, but a moment that can have a bit of a lasting effect on our society. I remember being allowed to stay up late and watch the Oscars every year....if I were a young girl, staying up late to watch, and saw that, think of how much more open minded I would have been at a much younger age.

I remembered that Darren McGavin, Peter Boyle and Jack Palance had all died this year, and it was that moment of sadness where you feel like you will miss people you never even knew.

Okay....Phillip Seymour Hoffman = Drugs + Drinking.

Helen Mirren is just beautiful. I haven't seen "The Queen", but from all I've heard about it, she deserved it and everyone knew it was going to be her. Of course, I'm always sad when Kate Winslet doesn't win, but that's a personal love for her and not so much because I've seen the movie she was nominated for (I haven't seen "Little Children")

Forest first reaction was AAAARRRRRGGGGGG.
But then he completely won me over in his acceptance speech. Of course I was rooting for Leo. See, we're on a first name basis now. Anyway, I've always liked Forest Whitaker, but he was up against my man. And, if Leonardo didn't get it, I wanted Peter O'Toole to get it. I mean, come many more Oscars do you think that man will be around for?

Martin Scorsese....about damn time. And he is a wee little man. And Eugene Levy in 20 years.


That is all.
I'm going to drag my ass to bed now. I'm glad I wasted this entire day watching consumerism at its best. Like when the first question out of an interviewer's mouth isn't "How are you?" but "Who are you wearing" (unless it's asked to Jennifer Hudson, in which case it's "Hey, you aren't as much of a fatass anymore, are you? Let's talk about your weight this entire time! Because I'm obsessed with weight! As is our entire culture!!!" Douche).


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