Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Catholic by association

So I am friends with quite a few Catholics. And I'm Pagan, which is pretty much the same thing.

So I decided that I would be Catholic for Lent this year.

No, I didn't do any of the religious stuff. That's not what I mean by this.

I am giving up something for 40 days. I've already given up the cigarettes. Booze is never something that I feel the need to give up, because it's rarely there anyway.

This year, I am giving up any food type product that can be found in a vending machine.

I'm talking Pop Tarts, Twinkies, chips, all of that. This is basically a way for me to stop going to the vending machine between classes for lunch. It's just not healthy.

Now--because this doesn't hold a strong religious meaning for me, I have found that I have created a loophole for myself. Today is also the first day I saw Mini Eggs being sold. If you know me at all, you know that Mini Eggs are my all-time favorite food on the planet. And they only come around once a year. For me to give up on Mini Eggs, just as they were being made available, would be going against everything I believe in.

Now, the loophole? Since Mini Eggs are a once a year event, they wouldn't be found in vending machines. If anyone tells me any differently, I will deny it to the ends of the earth and probably stop talking to you for awhile. This is serious. Don't mess around with me and my Mini Eggs.

So there you have it. For the next 40 days, I will be sweating it out with the Catholics of the world.


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