Monday, April 16, 2007

The world is making sense to me now.

More specifically, MY world is making much more sense to me now.

I have felt a very strong path ahead of me for awhile now, but I never really saw the path I was previously on, truly, until this afternoon.

It's just so freeing when you have answers to questions you didn't even know you were asking. Or needed to ask. Or that even existed.

My grounding is so firm, so strong...and it will continue to get even stronger.

I am more excited about the next phase in my life than I have ever been before. I'm excited to test these new legs, these new eyes, these new thoughts and this AMAZINGLY new sense of self-worth. The kind that comes from a true place.

I know, without a doubt, that the rest of my life will be less complicated. Of course things are going to happen to get in the way....that's living. But I don't have those questions floating around. I know exactly where my actions for the last, oh, 20 years have come from. And knowing that, I can alter my previous thinking to fit the new me.

And so far, it's coming along marvelously!


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