Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Oh the people, the people you'll meet!

I went to a fundraiser tonight for a friend's theatre company, and wasn't going to go. School night. Tired. Fully belly. Whathaveyou.

Then I struck up a conversation with a woman who is friends with Holly. We were talking about my schooling, and how I was so tired because I spent the whole day working on statistics for biology, and it was draining. She asked what I was going to school for and I told her. just so happens that she is from D.C., where she worked with a program to help at-risk high school kids learn the culinary arts. She asked if I would be interested in working with high school kids. I said sure. She told me that she is starting up the program here, is having a lunch meeting next week to see if she gets the funding she needs, and if so, she would love to have me come on as a program director for it!

When we started talking more about the specifics, she said the program should be up and running before the end of the year. I reminded her that I only had a year to work before PhD started up. She THEN said that if this program was going to take longer to come together than she hopes, she will put me in contact with some women that she worked with at the Chicago Abused Women's Coalition. And if THEY don't have anything, she will ask the same friends to give me the non-profit job websites. But she's pretty sure that they're hiring, especially people with degrees. And especially in the social work/sociology field. And one of the women she knows......this woman is known all through Chicago in the non-profit sector.

So YAY! At least two potential jobs on the horizon, plus many more from this website.

It couldn't have come at a better time. I was just thinking a few days ago that I needed to get the ball rolling with resumes and phone calls to land a job starting this summer. I would love to work on this new program, but I would also love to work at the CAWC.

This is just awesome!!!


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