Thursday, June 09, 2005

Ah, the joys of summer

Titty sweat. Two words that sum up summer lovin'. I hate it.

The last few days have been soooo hot and humid. Thankfully I have an air conditioner and I put it in my bedroom. KittenFatCat loves it, but is afraid of the sound a bit. She sleeps on the END of the bed, close enough to feel the cool air, but far enough away as to not be threatened by it. Crazy cat.

I have lived in Chicago long enough to have it feel like fact, it IS my home now. However, there are moments when I realize I'm living in CHICAGO and coming from a small southern Indiana town, that is HUGE. Today contained two of those moments.
Moment #1..Steve and I went to Costco to buy packing tape because we ran out, and leaving Costco was a PERFECT view of the Hancock building. It was amazing and just Chicago.
Moment #2..driving down LSD tonight with the windows down, boxes flapping in the backseat (thank god we get shipments of stock every day now at work) and the smell of the lake. The smell of the lake on a hot night is so amazing to me.

What's more amazing? Steve and I move in three weeks! THREE WEEKS until we start the rest of our lives. While I will miss this apartment and all the memories it holds, I will NOT miss having to shlep our crap from one place to the other, having nights where KittenFatCat is alone (KFC always gives me whatfor the next day) and having nights where we aren't sleeping together. We found out something amazing within the first week of dating....since we realize we have found the other person that makes us complete, we can't sleep when we're not in bed together. I toss and turn, waking up every hour or so, knowing something is missing but not realizing what it is in my sleepy mind until the next morning. He does the same thing. We have found the person we are supposed to be sleeping next to every night, and when we don't, it doesn't feel right. Since we already consider ourselves married (emotionally) it seems weird to sleep without my husband. Wow. To see the word in print brings it all home. AAHH!!! Finally. While we are dealing with some really crappy things right now, we are handling them together. I dont' know what I did in my life to deserve him, but I'm soooo glad I did it......


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