Sunday, November 13, 2005

More firsts

Our first tech rehearsal was tonight. All in all, it went really well. We didn't have the lead, which made some of the scenes a bit more difficult, but again, it went really well. We have a much better feel for how things are going to go, where we can and can't move, how our blocking has changed, etc. I can't wait to open the show and I know I'm not the only one. We are all a bit tired of rehearsing, which is to be expected. Just making it though this week and weekend, and all will be gravy.

Until Camenae rehearsals start to hit harder.

I've been given space to finish up Cubicle rehearsals before Dido rehearsals start full blast. Hopefully, since my part is in the first three acts and that's all, I won't have too many nights away.

I just keep thinking that I will feel settled once this happens or that happens. So far, the settled feeling hasn't hit yet.

Except for this, and this is what keeps me going. I've decided to not do any more shows during the school months. That means I can do summer shows and shows where the vast majority of rehearsals are during January. I can't do another fall show or late spring show. My body and mind can't handle it.

But now I know. And making that decision relieved so much stress, it was amazing. Just making the decision. Now, it's getting through this tech week and opening, then dealing with Dido rehearsals (which, the vast majority will be in January....thank goddess).

All in all, things are going really well. I am really looking forward to the days when Steve and I can actually share dinner, where we can go to sleep at the same time, watch movies in the evening, all that happy horse shit. I don't know when that will happen. But I'm hoping soon.

Oh yeah. The wedding. We have to plan the wedding in there sometime too. *sigh*


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