Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sometimes, Glass Gets In Your Eyes.....

So a glass object was broken on Friday of last week as we were walking out the door. Steve's bag hit it and it went flying, crashing, etc.

We cleaned it up in a hurry and left for the show.

I cleaned it again when I woke up the next morning.

I have since pulled glass out of my foot twice and my eye once.

For some unknown reason, the glass decided to take a tour of the apartment. I found it by the bathroom, in the living room, dining room and hallway. Of course, it was also in my body.

The glass in my foot was a pain in the ass. The glass in my eye scared the hell out of me.

I kept noticing my eye hurt after I was petting Kitten. I thought it was a hair of hers that found it's way in my eye. But it got worse. It felt like it was in my upper eyelid and this morning, it was a little bump. It kept watering and I was actually able to put eye drops in (and for those who know this about me, you know it was REALLY damn painful if I put eyedrops in....I have a crazy physical reaction to eyedrops where, no matter how hard I pry my eyes open, they close before the drops can enter). It came out this morning after class. I wiped the corner of my eye and felt something really sharp and hard, but I dropped it before I could look at it. I know it wasn't a damn cat hair!

I feel 100 times better. I was really worried that it wouldn't work it's way out of my eye and I would have to go to the emergency room.

Whew. Crisis averted. And another gentle reminder about how much I take my body for granted. Take the good, take the bad. (take them both and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life)


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