Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm going in....

This may be the last post I ever, well, post.

I love you all, but I have to do it.

I have to clean this goddamn office. And I may not make it out alive. I may obtain wounds no one can see. I may lose a limb. I may not come out of this damn room for a full day.

But I've had it.

It's done.

I can bear this absolute filth and clutter no more.

And just looking around, I'm getting scared. Really scared. I think Hoffa is in here somewhere. I know our Christmas tree is. Right next to Steve's old computer. On the floor.

You were all so good to me. I love you all. *sniff* This isn't a goodbye. This is "I'll see you on the other side"......THE OTHER SIDE OF A DAMN CLEAN ROOM!

I can procrastinate no longer. Nope. Not any longer. Not procrastinating as we speak. Nope, not me. Got my mind on the mission. Yep. Here I go.

Look at me go. Wow. Going and going.....still going.

Alright. Must. Do. This.

*for those of you who have never seen the office, you have no idea of the horrors of which I speak. For those that do, pray for me.


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