Sunday, April 29, 2007

I had no idea just how much I needed recharging until today.

I was much more nervous about last night than I realized, and after the show was over, I got really tired. There was a letdown, but not in the usual "I've just been on stage and the energy is gone" feeling. I had worked myself up about it and didn't even realize just how much.

But it was fun.

And today was the icing on the weekend cake.

Got up to beautiful weather. Decided that I needed to find an excuse to get on The Kiddo, so I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Bought what I was there for, and came back. Laura sent me a text saying that she was going to the BBQ as well, and I picked her up on The Kiddo right around 1:30.

If we were never Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels before today, we were this afternoon!

Went to Whole Foods, went to Nate and Holly's, ate myself stupid, became a three time champion at badminton, and petted Auggie.

And remembered just what spring/summer is about: Getting your feet dirty in a back yard. Cooking with charcoal. Laughing with friends. Getting sun but not burning. Sitting outside as the sun goes down, talking and laughing. Meeting new people. Enjoying the moment completely.

To borrow from Ms. Madeline, I feel wefweshed.

I dropped Laura off at The Spot to hang with Mr. Text and came home to an apartment that smells of spring and a cat who was very happy to see me.

I've also found that the city of Chicago is a much friendlier place when on a bike. So many random people start up small conversations with me when I'm stopped at a light, getting on or getting off. And I've become part of some sub-culture I had no idea about.

I know I am truly happy when the little pleasant things in life make me smile. It doesn't take much anymore. Sometimes, it doesn't take anything at all.


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