Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Okay, funny story......

So this morning I get up and I'm already sweating. I step outside and it's beautiful. It had to be in the 80's.

So I open all the windows, throw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and decide to ride The Kiddo to school. I didn't want to wait for the bus, since I'm helping Laura move and thought I would be home quicker on the bike. I grab a hoodie, but don't really have a reason for it.

Drove to school with said hoodie wrapped around my waist. It was beautiful. And I was sweating by the time I got to school.

Fast forward to 4:15. I finish up with biology and head outside. It's a bit chillier. No big deal, I have the hoodie, right?

Start to leave, and see that Michigan is closed up. There is some march happening downtown. So I try State Street. Closed. There are no roads open going north without me having to get on the Dan Ryan. Um, no.

So I continue heading south. I'm down to the Field Museum by the time they let us make a left hand turn. This was about 40 minutes after I left Roosevelt. At Michigan and Congress.

So I go to turn on Inner Lake Shore Drive. Guess what? It's blocked off as well. I have no choice but to follow traffic......right on to Lake Shore Drive.

I started laughing to myself, thinking that they couldn't give me a ticket for being on LSD, since I had no real choice.

At first, it wasn't bad. Seeing the lake up close was very nice, and traffic was pretty backed up.

Then, as soon as we pass Congress on LSD, the traffic thins magically. And here I am, going 40 mph with people passing me WITHIN my lane!

So I'm driving, thinking I'll just get off at the next exit, which is LaSalle. As soon as we cross the bridge by Navy Pier, the temperature drops another 20 degrees or so. The winds are really strong. And I'm wearing flip flops, shorts and a hoodie. Freezing my ass off.

By the time I got home, I couldn't feel my legs. Or the toes. I think they're all still there, but I'm going to double check once I take my two pairs of socks and slippers off.

So yeah.

I've decided that, until the weather is a constant 100 degrees at all times, I am going to have to pack an entire other wardrobe anytime I decide to go somewhere on The Kiddo. This whole "Chicago weather changes on a dime" bullshit just doesn't work when hit with huge winds and nothing on extremities.

And forced on to Lake Shore Drive.

I think people passing me thought I was crazy, because there were a couple of times when I started laughing out loud to myself, thinking of just how ridiculous I had to have looked! Now that I'm warmed up a bit, I'm laughing again. It had to have been my first real "Adventures in Babysitting" ride I've taken so far.

At least I didn't have to sing the blues...


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