Sunday, May 06, 2007

What a weekend

This weekend was very interesting...

Friday I went through all sorts of crap, getting rid of a lot of stuff that just doesn't need to be with me anymore. Then worked the box office for Danger Zone, came home and went to bed.

Saturday I had a very weird dream and woke up crying. I know what the crying was about, and I feel that there is yet another part of my history that I understand a bit more and can deal with it, heal from it, and release it. But it still left me feeling really weird for the rest of the day.

I also have started the transition to being vegan. Saturday, I went to People's Market and stocked up on some basic substitutions for things: vegan mayo, butter substitute, flax seed for egg substitutes, tofu cream cheese, stuff like that. So far, I'm pretty impressed with how good it all tastes. The soy pudding cups were kinda disappointing, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I'm making this transition slowly, because I know if I change everything at once, it won't work. Random dairy and eggs found in things will be the hardest, because there are so many things I didn't even realize contained those things.

Saturday night was a combination of Laura's birthday party and the closing of Danger Zone. It was a blast! At first, it was a very small gathering, since most people were either in or watching DZ. But after they closed up, we took over the bar. It was also a good night for me as well...for the first time ever, I wasn't nervous when singing karaoke. That may sound silly, but normally when I sing in front of people, my voice gets very choppy and I am all flat and just all over the place. Last night, I realized I didn't really care, and just sang like I do when I'm at home or by myself. And while it may not seem like a big deal, it is just one more way in which I've changed a bit. And I rocked the shit out of some Pat Benetar and some Flashdance! And ABBA, and Berlin, and Fionna Apple....

Since I had done a lot of work on finals on Friday and some on Saturday, today was my day of rest. I took Laura to IKEA for her birthday to get her some stuff for her new apartment. And I got myself a few little things that I'm going to be needing, like new mortars and pestles and some jars to store my spices and such. And containers to freeze popsicles and make some homemade tofu ice cream.

After IKEA, Laura and I were both tired. She slept in the car on the way back, and once I was home, I washed up my new stuff and hopped on the couch, watching Animal Planet until just now. And it was great. I watched three episodes of "Walking With Dinosaurs" and loved it. They just fascinate me.

So yeah. That was my weekend. And it was filled with some really cool things, some really sad things and the sense of change that I'm slowly getting used to.


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