Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Holy shit

Due to the graphic nature of this post, reader discretion is advised. For cereal.

I'm watching "Cold Case Files". Dude was killed, they know who did it but don't have any proof, typical story.

Flash forward to six years after the murder. There is a place that is lovingly called the Body Farm. It's a place where bodies are kept to study them.

When I heard this, I thought bones in boxes and pictures and whatnot. No.

Oh no.

The bodies are strewn about the land. Fresh corpses are donated to the Body Farm. The bodies are then placed around the area, some clothed, some tied to trees, basically positioned in the many different ways victims could be posed in a real life murder.

Most of the bodies are being studied by medical students and forensic people. They hope to use this information to help determine exact time of death for bodies that were murdered. And A&E sure as shit showed us the many different bodies. In the many different stages of decomposition. At 11:30 in the AM.

Maybe it's the fact that I just ate fake cream cheese and orange marmalade on a bagel. Maybe it's the ever ready monthly leakage that's coming. I have no idea. But I do know that I have a pretty strong stomach. And I know that I almost got sick from some of the stuff I saw.

Pretty intense stuff.


Blogger LC Greenwood said...


1:47 PM  

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