Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Long time, no real post

So I know it's been awhile since I really wrote anything here. I don't know that I have much to say right now, but I feel the need to write.

I started up with new therapy today. It felt good, but kinda odd at the same time. I did a basic recap of the last decade and a half of my life in less than 50 minutes. But she seemed impressed by me, actually. She said, once the talking was done, that she observed that I was very much so in touch with who I was and have a clarity that many don't have. That was interesting. She asked me what I was wanting in therapy, and I told her that I wanted to have someone there to help keep me on the right path while trying out these new legs. There were a few other things I brought up to her, but that was basically it.

So we'll see how it goes.

Oh, Smoking Dude just came to the window. He always announces his presence by turning on the light. That way it gives me a really clear view of his silhouette. Yeah, he's smart like that.

Otherwise, not much is new. Kitten is sitting next to me, all beautiful. I'm starting to miss school. A lot. It keeps me focused.

Bruce Willis is on The Daily Show right now, and damnit if he isn't funny! I had no idea....

This is becoming really boring. After leaving school, I stopped doing a lot of the things I used to do, and I guess blogging was one of them.


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