Monday, June 13, 2005

Awesome Freakin' Day!

Ever have one of those days where everything goes exactly as you want them? Well, that didn't quite happen, but it was so damn close we don't even care!

Today, Steve and I set out to do some finalizing of things that needed to be, um, finalized. This is our only day off together until Saturday, which will be filled with a murder mystery and my folks being in town. We checked out and rented a storage space, paid off some things that needed IMMEDIATE attention or dire consequences would take place, roamed around Best Buy and enjoyed the free air conditioning, did some other random things that needed attention and, for the first time in weeks, enjoyed a day together with no stress. We just ENJOYED each other, being around each other, being productive and the stress was the lowest it's been in a month. A LARGE part of that is due to an angel being there for us when we needed it. Thank you, angel.

I think I have an idea as to how to deal with the metric crapload of boxes I have in my place now. But that is boring to anyone but me, so I'll skip those details.

Steve gets to meet mom and dad on Friday (if he gets his schedule at work switched). I'm sooo super excited. They already adore him and I know they will love him. He is super excited too. Good times are a comin'. Finally.

I haven't said this with any certainty since my grades came in......all is well. All will BE well. We are going to be okay. Better than that. We are invincible. Together, there is nothing that can happen that we can't take down and make our bitch. We love that. We love each other. Truly and simply.

And on that note, *sigh*, I can breathe again. Thank GOD. Thank god.


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