Sunday, August 07, 2005


Well, the apartment is starting to come together more and more. I just finished the guest bathroom and am working on the guest bedroom. Last night I tackled the office, and the only big thing left is the dining room. It's packed full of crap that we need to take to storage. One day, hopefully when it cools off a bit, we are going to have to make a day of it and just pack up both cars and head on over to the unit. Other than the dining room (and figuring out what the hell we're gonna do with all the clothes we have in our bedroom) it's almost done. We just need little things to make life a bit easier, like baskets to put appliances in we don't use often and putting them on the tops of our cabinets. For as huge as this place is, we have very little storage. Our closets are tiny and shoved beyond the point of full. We need to get a nightstand for me, a new bed frame (it broke the other night) and some random other things.

Yes. This home is feeling more and more like it every day. I'm excited. I can't wait to walk in and not see any damn cardboard. Anywhere. No more cardboard EVER!!!!! AAHH!!!!

Sorry. Moment of cardboard induced insanity. All better now......


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