Sunday, December 25, 2005

The good always peppers the bad

or vice versa.

The holidays were great. Part of his family met my parents and they all got along wonderfully. And they got to meet Leslie, which was also great.

My great uncle Bill died last night, on Christmas Eve. I haven't been close to him since I was little, and mom had lost some of that closeness as the years went by. He gave her away at her wedding when her dad refused. So today, mom and I had some much needed alone time to cry and talk about all the changes that have taken place in the last seven years, and how it seems something is always changing when for so long, especially for her, changes really didn't take place. We talked and cried, then went into the dining room and laughed our asses off at the million and one jokes and gentle teasing moments that created a holiday that was, all in all, a really great one.

Mom and dad are at the start of their much MUCH needed vacation away from things. Tomorrow will be a day of lying around, maybe napping, talking and just relaxing. It will be wonderful.


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