Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Double the Nerdiness

So I had my two honor ceremonies today.

The first one was for AKD. It was so much fun, and so funny! I was being my usual ham for the camera, and Heather made a comment that there would be a prize for the person who used their tassels (lanyards?) in the most creative way. I said "Yes" out loud and put up a fist, and she quickly retracted the comment, laughing the whole time. We made stupid jokes (at one point, Art leaned over and said, "Sociologists make the worst jokes of all time" and I smarted off something about Durkheim thinking the same thing) and talked and just had fun. The lanyards are a gorgeous teal color, and are basically the combination of both of my favorite hues of blues and greens. I'm so happy about that!

The second ceremony was funny, but still much more stuffy than the last one. I got a yellow rose to go with the yellow lanyard and a certificate showing my honor. That was nice.

And it was the perfect cap to a biology final that I just didn't care about at all. I know I did poorly on the first part of it, and may have done alright for the last two sections, but again, I really don't care right now. I'm just glad it's done.

Tomorrow is nothing but working on my last final, due Thursday, and volunteering. And cleaning the apartment so the family can at least walk through it. Near the end of the semester, the place always falls apart. And I've been really good about keeping it clean the rest of the time. So when it gets like this now, it bugs the shit out of me.

I have an event on Thursday in the early afternoon, turn in my final, and I'm done. All except selling the books back and walking down the aisle. But unlike the last time I walked down an aisle, what I'm getting this time will be with me forever.

This is the point where it all gets really, really exciting!


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