Monday, May 07, 2007

I may be posting quite a bit today. I have more time before my next final.

Just finished up with therapy for the last time. Well, the last time here with my therapist. I have to say, it was sad. It's hard to separate ending therapy with ending the relationships I've had here for the last three years, and all in all, it is just a sad moment.

But there is still that part of me that knows it's all going to be alright. In fact, I've been singing the chorus from "Lullaby" in my head since I left his office.

"Everything's gonna be alright, rockaby"

And when I was walking down the hall afterward, I had that strange sensation of being an adult. It's weird, but it feels like something covering me, a thin layer of something that just makes me feel older. I have those moments every once in awhile, and it's always so strange when they come. There is no way to explain it, other than to say there is some thin covering on my soul. Yeah, that cleared it up, didn't it?

Anyway, this is just a weird day. Things are really starting to seem final during finals week for the first time. This really is final, for this place at least.

Until I make everyone's worst nightmares come true and come back here to teach. The youth of America in my hands....oh yes.


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