Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Holy crap, it has been awhile.

I have all of my kids again. The two youngest spent the night at the vet because they were finally healthy enough to be SPAYED! I am so happy. It took so long to get them there.

I feel like I am a master knitter. I am tackling "experienced" patterns. I will hopefully be selling my stuff soon.

This broken foot is driving me crazy. Not so much the foot, but the damn cast.
A. Nnoying.

I have been doing a lot of awesome cleaning and organizing. I have had some wonderful breakthroughs and mentally I am in amazing shape. Healthy as a, well, mentally healthy horse .....

I LOVE living by myself.

I am back on the vegan path. This time, it is not difficult at all. In fact, the second I start to crave something, I get a very vivid image in my mind and that craving goes away. Instantly.

I drove my happy ass to the vet today through streets that had not been touched by snow plows. I dug my car out from under a foot of snow. I did a couple of 360's in a couple of intersections. I was so determined to get there and back that I didn't care. And it was totally worth it.

I am very fortunate...I have amazing friends all over the Midwest. Some I have known since I was five. Some I have known for less than a year. But I am so lucky to have the people in my life that I have. Now, once I get the blueprints on that teleportation device....

My breath smells of garlic. Like, garlic. Cause I just ate some. Yeah, I am stretching now...

Moria is twitching on the couch, asleep, and I have many rows to knit on my dad's hat. But it does feel good to be back in the blogsphere....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Listening to our new President Obama accept the presidency, I actually believe again.